

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Cover Reveal of Control You by Jennifer Snyder

Control You
Release Date: Spring

Summary from Goodreads:
Companion novel to Break
Kind hearted and naive,
Paige Jacobs wants what every girl craves…to be loved. She uses this need to
make excuses when her current boyfriend goes from being a tad jealous and
slightly overprotective to stalker-ish. She isn’t that girl
and Craig isn’t one of those guys. Things are fine. Perfectly
fine. Until the moment a dark-haired, tattooed hottie with a snarky mouth walks
into her life and tells her she deserves better.

Confident and boldly
spoken, Cameron Green has always been the guy bad girls can’t get enough of and
all the good girls want to tame. He’s lived a lavish lifestyle filled with
drugs, women, and alcohol up until his destructive path finally caught up with
him. Now Cameron isn’t sure what to do with himself or how to dampen the
longing for something more festering inside of him since coming out of his
drug-induced haze. But when he meets a doe-eyed girl who gets past his walls
like no other, everything about him clicks into place.

Together the two learn
there are emotions that hold within them all the power to control you…

Link to Break You:

About the Author
Jennifer Snyder lives in
North Carolina were she spends most of her time writing New Adult and Young
Adult Fiction, reading, and struggling to stay on top of housework. She is a
tea lover with an obsession for Post-it notes and smooth writing pens. Jennifer
lives with her husband and two children, who endure listening to songs that
spur inspiration on repeat and tolerate her love for all paranormal,
teenage-targeted TV shows.
Author Links:
 photo iconwebsite-32x32_zps1f477f69.png  photo icongoodreads32_zps60f83491.png   photo iconfacebook-32x32_zps64a79d4a.png

Cover Reveal Organized by:

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Today is A Zebra Like Me's Book Birthday!

Maybelle Dawson longs for normalcy and belonging. Often misunderstood, she struggles with a rare disorder, labeling her a Medical Zebra.

Maybelle’s happiness and well-being threaten to slip through her fingers as she battles to take control of her life. She faces a never-ending battle on her journey to find love, courage and friendship in a world lacking acceptance.

With the guidance of her guardian angel, Maybelle finds her way out of emotional and physical isolation to discover lasting love and amazing friendships.

A Zebra Like Me is the story of one teenager’s battle with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, a disorder affecting one in five thousand people.

Buy Links:

Barnes & Noble:



About the Author

Amy Maurer Jones has been happily married to her own version of Edward Cullen for sixteen years. She lives in the small town of Tabor City, North Carolina (close to the North and South Carolina shore) with her husband Kelly and their two beautiful children, Olivia and Keaton.

Amy loves reading and writing Young Adult because she finds young people inspiring. She appreciates how teens are able to look at the world with a fresh perspective and willingly open their minds to the endless possibilities that life has to offer. She particularly enjoys writing strong heroines who face problems head on, learn, grow and mature into the type of people who do the right thing.

When Amy isn't reading and writing, she teaches high school theater arts and dance. To say that Amy has a flare for all things creative would be an understatement, just don't ask her to assemble anything that requires instructions or sadly, you will be out of luck!

Favorite quote:

"You are unique, and if that is not fulfilled, then something has been lost." ~ Martha Graham






The Giveaway
A Zebra Like Me is a work of fiction
but Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and the message in this story are very real. I have
EDS and I’ve learned to live with this disease. Sadly, much of my battle has
been seeking compassion and finding acceptance from those who don’t understand
it. My mission in publishing this book is two-fold.
1 – Awareness – I aim to educate people about
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. I’m a teacher and through my teaching I’ve learned the
best lessons are learned in unexpected ways. I hope my readers will gain a better understanding of this disease
through the fictional world I created for Maybelle. There are people like her
all over the world. Some EDS patients’ symptoms are less severe than
Maybelle’s, some are worse. You may know someone with EDS and not even realize

2 – Self Empowerment – I want other people with EDS
to know they are not alone. There are support groups and resources online that
can help you learn how to cope with this disease. Don’t give up on a normal
life. Learn how to avoid injuries and the external hazards that trigger your
issues. Find hobbies that are safe, fun, and relieve stress. Surround yourself
with positive people and avoid or tune out the people who can’t or won’t
support you. Take care of yourself, physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Need Help? The Ehlers-Danlos
National Foundation is just a click away.