step 1: honor the nominator
step 2: 10 things about self
step 3: nominate 10 others
I have to say a BIG Thank You! to Stevie McCoy for nominating me for the Tall Cup O' Sunshine Award. If you don't know Stevie, you're missing out on a great person, wonderful writer, and Queen of Tuesday Tales.
You can check out her blog at http://glitterword.wordpress.com/ and follow her on twitter @Theglitterlady
10 Things About Me
1. I like beer. Really... I like it a lot! All brands and flavors. My favorite is a combo, the Black & Tan.
2. I have five kids. Two of them are my step kids, but I have helped raise them since they were 2 & 4, and they are now 14 & 16. My step daughter lives with us, so we have four kids on a daily basis. They are 16, 14, 14, 9, and 4 years old.
3. I have been in the Air Force for a combined total of 14 years (in Aug). I got out of the Air Force for 2 1/2 years and came back in.
4. While I was out of the Air Force, I managed restaurants in Las Vegas. I worked in two restaurants in The Mirage and at The Buffet at Wynn Las Vegas. Being a restaurant manager in Las Vegas is no bueno.
5. I am an only child. When I was a kid I used to pretend that I had a twin sister named Stephanie, and I was Stephanie.
6. I made up stories when I was in third grade that scared my friend so much, that I was no longer allowed to spend the night at their house.
7. I am getting really compulsive about checking Twitter and ReTweeting people. It's a problem.
8. I was in love with River Phoenix and his death still devastates me.
9. Traffic on the 405 makes me angry every day, but I write some of my best scenes while I'm stuck in it.
10. I love this community of writers, bloggers, and readers, more than I ever imagined I would.
My 10 Nominees
Raine Thomas @Raine_Thomas http://rainethomas.com/
Chelsea Fine @ChelseaFine http://www.chelseafinebooks.com/
Tiffany King @AuthorTiffany http://authortiffanyjking.blogspot.com/
Autumn @TheAutumnReview http://www.autumnreview.com/
Valerie @StuckInBooks http://stuckinbooks.com/
Jessica Therrien @JessicaTherrien http://www.jessicatherrien.com/
Rachel Harris @RachelHarrisYA http://www.rachelharriswrites.com/blog
Andrea Thompson @BookishAndrea http://www.thebookishbabes.blogspot.com/
Tameri Etherton @TameriEtherton http://tamerietherton.com/
Laura Howard @LauraHoward78 http://www.laurahoward78.blogspot.com/
Go forth and spread the sunshine...