Today we are sharing a sale from the CUPCAKES series by Bethany Lopez and a bonus scene!
This series is a romantic comedy/suspense series that is available now.
Check out the book information below and grab Always Room for Cupcakes while it's on sale for just .99¢.

Always Room for Cupcakes (Cupcakes, #1) is on sale now for just .99¢!

Purchase Links for Cupcake Overload (Cupcakes, #2)
The next book in the CUPCAKES series will be called Lei'd with Cupcakes and will be released in March 2017!
🍕🍰 Cupcakes Series ~ Bonus Scene🍕🍰
I was trying, unsuccessfully, to hide my grin while Elin and Elena chattered on excitedly about our upcoming trip to Hawaii.
We were in the midst of chaos.
Machines were dinging loudly, children were laughing and yelling, and everyone was talking over each other, trying to be heard.
Cade looked uncomfortable, out of place, and like he was hoping a meteor was about to crash down and take out the pizza joint and put him out of his misery.
He had on a black skull cap, a dark t-shirt and black jeans, and he was adorned with his usual jewelry. Thick, silver rings, rope bracelets, and a few chunky necklaces.
He was my shit-hot oasis in a sea of yuppies and stay at home moms.
Even without his cut, it was obvious that my man was one bad-ass mother, and the last place he expected to be on a Friday night was at a family fun place. He was more suited to a smoky bar with classic rock playing on the juke box, and loose women on the prowl.
But did he let on to my twins that he’d rather have his beard taken out with tweezers, one hair at a time, than playing skeeball and grabbing a slice with them… not on your life.
He was grinning as Elin talked about snorkeling, seeing sharks, and going whale watching.
I was about to suggest it was time to go, and let Cade off the hook, when I saw Elena stiffen and drop her head, allowing her hair to curtain her face. I turned my head to see why she was hiding, and saw a group of boys walking into the pizza place, laughing as they looked for an open booth.
“Who are they?” I asked, placing my hand on Elena’s knee.
She shook her head, causing her hair to move, but didn’t reply.
“Lena?” I prodded. When there was still no response, I looked up and caught Elin watching his sister. “Elin?”
“They’ve been giving Lena a hard time in English class, ever since Ms. Cotton made us stand up and read our poems out loud.”
“Why?” I asked sharply. “What have they been doing?”
“Calling her names and stuff,” Elin said, giving the boys a dark look over my shoulder. “I’ve told them to back off. I think that JJ likes her, and that’s why he keeps messing with her.”
“If you like a girl, you don’t show it by being an asshole,” Cade bit off, my gaze swinging to him when I caught his tone.
“Swear jar,” Elin said automatically.
“Gosh, not now, Elin,” Elena said, finally speaking, but still not putting her head up. “Can we just go?”
“Sure, baby,” I said, grabbing my purse and starting to rise.
“I’ll meet you at the truck,” Cade ordered, and my pulse started dancing nervously.
“What are you going to do, Cade?” I hissed, glancing back and forth at the twins who were watching Cade warily. “You can’t beat up a bunch of eleven and twelve-year-old boys.”
“Don’t worry, Darlin’, I’m just going to talk to them,” Cade assured me as all six foot three of him rose and stepped into the aisle. “Meet me at the truck.”
“C’mon, guys,” I said, ushering the twins to the exit. Of course, once we got outside, we didn’t go to the car, we pressed our noses to the glass to see what was happening inside.
We watched as Cade sauntered over to where the boys were piling into their booth. They all jumped when he spoke, and I saw a few of them start to visibly shake as they looked my biker babe over.
I saw one kid raise his hand, and Elin whispered, “That’s JJ,” then get out of the booth to stand next to Cade who put a hand on his shoulder as he spoke to him.
The kid’s hair flopped as he nodded rapidly, and I swear, I could see his Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed.
Cade picked up his hand, then brought it back down on JJ’s shoulder, said something to the kid, then something to the group of boys, before turning and striding casually to the cashier where he paid our bill.
We watched as he walked out, eyes on us as we peered back at him from our viewing spot, and our heads all turned toward Cade as he opened the door and turned to us.
“Can you ever just do what I ask, Lila?” he asked, his tone frustrated, but his face amused.
I shook my head slowly, dying to ask what he’d said to those boys, but knowing he wouldn’t answer in front of the kids.
“I didn’t think so,” Cade said, then fished the keys out of his pocket and added, “Let’s go.” But before he could step off of the curb and head to the parking lot, Elena rushed forward and threw herself against him.
I bit back a watery sigh as Cade bent low and kissed my daughter on the top of her head.
“Let’s go home,” he said softly, and I heard Elena say, “Thanks, Cade,” her voice muffled against his shirt.
“Anytime, sweet girl,” was his reply.
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Award-Winning Author Bethany Lopez began self-publishing in June 2011. She's a lover of all things romance: books, movies, music, and life, and she incorporates that into the books she writes. When she isn't reading or writing, she loves spending time with her husband and children, traveling whenever possible. Some of her favorite things are: Kristen Ashley Books, coffee in the morning, and In N Out burgers.