Sunday, October 20, 2013

Five Questions with Melanie Stinnett

Five Questions with Melanie Stinnett


1.     When you think of your favorite books, what is it that draws you to them and makes you want to read them over and over again?

I love stories with some sort of salvation – either from an outside danger or some sort of internal struggle. In the end, what really gets me is the emotion of the story. If they make me laugh or cry or want to throw my Kindle at the wall – that makes a good book.


2.     Did you consciously decide to write the genre you write, or did it choose you?

I have always enjoyed reading contemporary romance so in a way I chose to write in this genre. However, I feel like my characters chose their story.


3.     If you could sit down for a drink and a chat with any writer, who would it be, and why?

Fisher Amelie – I love her stories and would love to learn more about the series she’s writing! I’d love to tell her in person that, in the initial stages of writing my novel, she was a big inspiration to me.


4.     When you are not writing (or reading) what is your favorite pastime?

I love spending time with my husband and my two boys. We like to do things outdoors – love going to the lake and to the park. I also love music, so some days are good for just having a dance party with my two year old.


5.     At what point were you sure that your book was ready to be published, and how did you go about making it happen?


When I sent my completed manuscript to my post-edit beta readers and they gave me great feedback. Until that point, I still had doubts and concerns about publishing on my own, but I always pressed forward. From the minute I decided to write a novel, I made sure to surround myself with others who had already gone through the experience. Although no journey to self-publishing is the same for everyone, knowing that others have made it through and had success has been a big encouragement to me.
You can find Melanie's debut novel, Crossing Paths, on Amazon.

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