Friday, October 31, 2014

Special Halloween Interview with Author Mima

1.   What’s the scariest thing you’ve ever heard/read/seen? It can be from a book, movie, or from the campfire at night…

One of the first (and last) scary books I ever read was Misery by Stephen King. It is even creepier now that I'm a writer.

2.   Who would you like to bring back as a zombie? Why?

Steve Jobs. He would revolutionize zombies.

3.   What is your favorite thing about Halloween?

Celebrity costumes, especially Kelly Ripa! She always rocks on Halloween.

4.   What was your best Halloween costume?

My mother dressed me as a gypsy as a kid...which was interesting considering that at the age of 7, I had no idea what a 'gypsy' was and also because as an adult, I've never been able to settle on a 'home'.

5.   Is there an author out there that you’re pretty sure is a witch? Tell us who and why you think so!

According to a psychic I spoke to a couple of years ago, I am! She insisted that I put a 'hex' on a coworker ha;-) Happy Halloween!!

Thank you, Mima!!!

How to find Mima:

Mima is the author of Fire and the prequel, A Spark before the Fire. Learn more about her, check out some FREE reading and learn about her two books here; Writing role modes? James Frey and Cecila Ahern! 

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