Saturday, April 27, 2013

Five Questions with Mel Ballew

Five Questions with Mel Ballew

1. When you think of your favorite books, what is it that draws you to them and makes you want to read them over and over again?

Honestly, it depends on which genre I am reading. I need details, emotion and descriptions
so my mind can smell it, see it, feel it, experience it...sucking me into a story and keeping me
there. That what I aspire to do.

2. Did you consciously decide to write the genre you write, or did it choose you?

It always chooses me. I don’t write any one genre and hope to never be limited as a writer to
only one.

3. If you could sit down for a drink and a chat with any writer, who would it be, and why?

William Shakespeare because I’ve always been intrigued by his mind & arrangement of
weaving words.

4. When you are not writing (or reading) what is your favorite pastime?

Spending time with my husband, daughter and friends whether doing something or
absolutely nothing.

5. At what point were you sure that your book was ready to be published, and how did you go about making it happen? 

I knew the first book in A Surviving Soul Novel series, Shattered Into Beautiful, was ready to be published when the story led me in that direction. I never write by an pre-organized outline. For me, the story and the characters decide - I just listen. Publishing this book would not have been possible had it not been for some amazingly life-giving ladies that are my wonderful friends for life.

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